confident and independent life

Business / Work

working independently. Have lots of opportunities and requests from contacts to do work. Choose what i want to do given my interest at the time. I consult to organisations: i coach business leaders and business owners to develop their potential and that of their organisation. I teach on business courses. I write for business magazines and review books. I have found a way of interweaving my interests in qi-gong and tai-chi with business development to have a unique and much in demand way of working and supporting others. I work from a small office but travel extensively to clients across the globe. I take breaks when i wish and visits interesting places i have yet to see. I read and write extensively and have found mu own unique voice in the world of business and I'm confident about the work I should do and that i should not do. I have time to keep fit and stretch to avoid my back getting so stiff again. I feel good and am good to others

Necessary resource sets

need to develop structured consulting skills; tender development and projects office suite; need a formal change management methodology to use with clients.
need to have a further excel training course for planning and organising development; should learn to touch type for quicker processing.
Need to keep developing network and contacts for flow of future work. Also undertake further lean/six sigma training to improve process management capability.

Need to talk to other coaches about how to develop a coaching business. Have some opportunities coming up but need to do more to develop what could be achieved. need to get full website up and running to use with clients actual and potential. Attend AoC and ICF events and become more known on the network.

Have to start writing stuff and get published articles in papers and magazines

Need to keep presenting courses for RIPA and also look at other organisations I could do some tutoring for. Have applied to the OU but think they are looking for more academic people

Where are you right now?

on consulting I'm getting lots of offers at present: issue is to land them. Need to be clear do I want to do corporate work or stay independent. Need to also have greater focus on private sector rather than public sector.
Haven't done much on training for excel and touch typing: need to make that a priority. Also need to complete lean/six sigma course.

coaching got 2 good opportunities being developed. need to attend the networking events and get the website up and running.

Training is ok with RIPA, but apart from OU have done little to look at other opportunities. Should do more on this.

Writing have done nothing on but this can wait till i have the other elements lined up

Obstacles or limitations

need to line up the next project and develop more resource for investment in website.
need to plan the appropriate time allocation across the areas so i move each on but maintain the income from the higher earning areas
Need to work on creating the motivation and energy to keep going and avoid feeling that its too much and should creep back to corporate life
should share my plans more with others and let them also support and help where they can (and me to them too)
steve johnson

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